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Writer's pictureAnmol Singh

Help Managed Service Providers Save Time and Money with ConnectWise Automate Consulting

ConnectWise Automate is an effective platform, but mastering it takes time and effort. While its features are impressive, configuring and managing it may divert attention from your primary business.

Stardawn IT offers comprehensive ConnectWise Automate Consulting for MSP companies, including all of the following.

1. Scripting

Stardawn IT is well-versed in the ConnectWise Automate software's scripting solution for automating IT administrative duties. ConnectWise Automate product has a powerful feature that allows users to automate processes by scripting in any remote scripting language, including Powershell, Shell commands, VBScript, and more. Stardawn IT provides first-rate consulting services for the ConnectWise Automate Software, focusing on scripting. The company examines the present configuration and recommends best practises the MSP may apply to get the most out of the software.

2. Monitor Sets

Excellent monitoring for proactive coverage of servers, network devices, and other managed equipment is crucial for MSP organisations providing managed services to their clients. In many cases, MSP companies are unaware of whether or not the monitoring they have implemented covers all of the requirements discussed and agreed upon with their customers. Consulting from Stardawn IT is first-rate for establishing a solid foundation for monitoring in ConnectWise Automate, as well as for figuring out the best practises to put into place to maximise the tool's monitoring power. Thus, MSPs will benefit commercially and get useful feedback from this method of proactively keeping tabs on the networks of their managed clients.

3. Integrations

Tools like ConnectWise, Veeam, Webroot, Ninite, and others are vital to every managed service provider (MSP), and the ConnectWise Automate software integrates with them seamlessly. ConnectWise Automate and the other tools you'll need to implement your alerting model's own workflow rules and configurations. Stardawn IT can offer efficient and valuable consultation for such needs because to its extensive expertise with properly implementing such Integrations.

4. Patch Management

The process of identifying, downloading, and installing software updates on endpoint devices, server software, application software, and network hardware may be streamlined with the help of patch management. Here's why avoiding a cybersecurity breach is easier with a well-thought-out and thorough patch management strategy than than dealing with the aftermath of a breach instead.

Stardawn IT ensures that crucial and significant updates are applied to all endpoints and that nothing is left out of date by configuring the patch management according to best security practises.

5. Reporting

To generate reports, ConnectWise Automate makes use of SQLYog in conjunction with its MySQL database. MySQL's reporting saves time and provides valuable information for running and managing an MSP. In order to better understand the monitored networks and take command of them, Stardawn IT provides superior ConnectWise Automate Consulting in the form of a variety of reports pulled from MySQL. Stardawn IT also make custom reports and alter the old ones according to the client needs.

Our ConnectWise Automate Specialists will implement best practises, automation, and scripting to maximise the efficiency of your ConnectWise product, allowing you to save money, time and free up your engineers to focus on other profitable projects.

Because of this, Stardawn IT is the best option for any business looking to outsource their ConnectWise Automate Consulting and Support needs.

Get in touch today with us for ConnectWise AUTOMATE (LABTECH) CONSULTING & Best-practices implementation services

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