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Writer's pictureJagjeet Singh

Complete IT management from a single RMM

With ConnectWise Automate formerly known as Labtech, your IT staff can keep up with the speed of business thanks to a robust remote monitoring and management system. ConnectWise Automate provides your IT staff with all the tools it needs to go from reactive to proactive IT assistance, thanks to its powerful automation and unmatched monitoring.

To begin, let's define ConnectWise Automate!

The RMM solution that allows you total access and control over agent and agentless devices across your entire network is called ConnectWise Automate. While resolving performance and/or security-related issues, you may remotely access endpoint devices, either manually or automatically, without interfering with users.

With only the touch of a button, we can swiftly and easily communicate with a distant computer using all the capabilities available to us. It is a complete toolkit that enables you to perform all of your tasks remotely, so it's more than simply a remote connection solution. It’s a RMM Software That Puts Automation in Your Hands.

Get rid of the complexity of managing IT once and for all.

Let’s dive into the key features and benefits of ConnectWise Automate

  • Asset Discovery:

Incorporated networks often have new devices added to them without warning. To ensure that only authorised devices are accessible within managed networks, Asset Discover can automatically discover and trace the existence and activity of any connected devices.

  • Systems monitoring:

The monitoring of systems is the first step for IT teams to improve their reactive and proactive response times. With its built-in system monitoring for agent and agentless devices, ConnectWise Automate can be useful.

  • Alerting:

Alerting is the next stage after monitoring in terms of quicker reactive and proactive response times. With predefined service plans and alert actions including creating a ticket, raising an alert, running a script, and sending emails, ConnectWise Automate makes it simple to get started.

  • Patch Management:

With simple-to-use policies for Microsoft, third-party software, reboot scheduling, and choices for one-off or zero vulnerabilities, ConnectWise Automate quickly assists you in patching and securing your environment.

  • Remote Control:

With ConnectWise Control also known as ScreenConnect, assist end users wherever they may be. ConnectWise Control, which is a component of ConnectWise Automate, offers end customers quick, secure, and dependable remote-control access as well as assistance from any location.

  • System Management:

Your technicians can efficiently manage several computers at once while never interfering with the end user. Systems management techniques for agent and agentless devices are offered by ConnectWise Automate.

  • Asset Detection:

The network probe is the only technique used by ConnectWise Automate for asset detection. With it, ConnectWise Automate creates a visual network map and offers asset discovery and inventory for both agent and agentless devices.

  • Integrations:

With more than 200 third-party integrations, ConnectWise Automate gives you the freedom to select the precise tools that best suit your individual support needs. Automate integrate with various help desk and ticketing systems of your choice, as well as the industry-leading help desk and ticketing automation platform, ConnectWise Manage.

  • IT Automation:

You pay your techs too much for them to work long hours doing the same thing. Your busy team may focus on more difficult, higher value service requests by using IT Automation to offload IT workloads to decrease expenses and save time.

What is the value of ConnectWise Automate for your ITSP?

  • More proactive Support:

For your ITSP to generate the most money, time management is essential. With the help of ConnectWise Automate, routine IT problems are fixed, Tier 1 support issues are automated, and recurrent issues with client networks and endpoint devices are stopped before they become troublesome.

  • More time is saved:

By removing the need for corrective IT issues, ConnectWise Automate gives you and your team more time to focus on high-value initiatives, enhancing your ROI and, , your customers' satisfaction.

  • More information about technology:

With the help of ConnectWise Automate's reporting feature, you can identify what is and isn't working for your valued clients by looking at a set of metrics, including a complete view of the technology you manage along with their vitals.

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