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  • What is ConnectWise automate?
    ConnectWise Automate is an RMM tool that provides you with total access and control over agent and agentless devices throughout your network. You can remotely access endpoint devices, either manually or automatically, without disturbing users while addressing performance and/or security issues.
  • What type of software is ConnectWise?
    ConnectWise is IT service management tool that helps you up skill your employees, protect your clients, and boost business profitability with everything from patch automation to scripting to remote access and monitoring to sales and marketing.
  • What kind of tool is ConnectWise?
    ConnectWise is IT service management tool that helps you up skill your employees, protect your clients, and boost business profitability with everything from patch automation to scripting to remote access and monitoring to sales and marketing.
  • What is the role of the NOC?
    - Network management and monitoring services that are continuous. - Installation, download, and troubleshooting of applications. - Scheduled performance reports for the network. - Use the Network Recommendation Sheets as and when required. - Networks detection, analysis, and evaluation. - Network patch management's capacity. - Data management, storage, and backup. - Antivirus, firewall, and other security risks are scanned for and addressed. - Offer direct client help, If possible. - Managing and reporting bandwidth. - Handling of tickets and alerts. Keep up proper communication until every problem has been fixed.
  • Is ConnectWise Secure?
    Yes, ConnectWise protects your data with a variety of cybersecurity protections, including 256-bit AES encryption. Additional security features include different authentication methods, role-based permissions, server-level audits, and self-hosting.
  • What is an RMM and a PSA platform?
    RMM is an abbreviation for "Remote Monitoring and Management Tool" and "Professional Service Automation Tool" has the same meaning but is used in a different context. While a PSA allows you to manage tickets, invoices, time-tracking, etc., an RMM manages a whole IT network.
  • What are the best RMM tools and PSA platforms for MSP?
    ConnectWise Automate, N-able N-central, Datto (now owned by Kaseya), Kaseya, etc. are among the most popular remote monitoring and management (RMM) platforms available. Autotask, ConnectWise Manage, and other similar products are among of the most popular PSA platforms in the market.
  • What is NOC?
    The NOC is a central location where qualified IT experts actively support, manage, and continuously keep an eye on events that have an impact on technological services and infrastructure.
  • Where does ConnectWise automate install to?
    The installation package\script puts the agent into the LTSvc>packages>AutoElevate folder on the user device, quietly install the MSI, and start the "AutoElevateAgent" service without user interaction.
  • What is RMM Automation?
    When you use an RMM tool to automate tasks like automation to clean up the disk drive when it is 85 % full or trigger alerts when a certain activity takes place or patch the systems automatically etc.
  • What are the benefits of NOC?
    Reduced downtime and increased dependability Enhancements to compliance and security Lower cost of labour and a better rate of return 24-hour network security and prompt event response Options that can be modified based on the client's needs (Customised solutions)
  • How do I create a new client on ConnectWise Automate?
    Login to the ConnectWise Automate Control Center. Right-click Clients and then select Create Client. You need to enter the Client details in the fields to complete the client creation.
  • Is ConnectWise automate cloud-based?
    ConnectWise Automate (Formerly known as LabTech) is an on-premises and cloud-based IT automation solution that allows you to track and manage IT devices from a single location.
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