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ConnectWise Automate Consulting

ConnectWise Automate Consulting & Admin Service

We will make your ConnectWise Automate RMM solve issues on endpoints automatically with our expertise in scripting, and generate only necessary tickets in your PSA.

You don’t need to hire in-house specialist to manage ConnectWise Automate RMM, all you need is to pay monthly base price, plus service over usage charges, when ever required.

ConnectWise Automate Consulting Benefits

  • You will have meaningful tickets for your techs to work on.

  • ​You can fearlessly sell your proactive SLA to your customers as you know your ConnectWise Automate is monitoring what you are selling.

  • You can request us to design a custom ConnectWise Automate report that you plan to send to your customers each month.

  • You gain confidence when you know your endpoints are being patched according to guidelines given by your support team.

  • It enables to you to demand for custom script to install/uninstall software, fetch specific information from machine that Automate RMM doesn’t fetch by default.

  • You may request onboarding or offboarding endpoints using CW Automate RMM.

How is that not working for you?

Our ConnectWise Automate Specialists will implement best practises, automation, and scripting to maximise the efficiency of your ConnectWise product, allowing you to save money, time and free up your engineers to focus on other profitable projects.

Dedicated Automate Consulting Services

ConnectWise Automate Administator

We will optimize and maintain your RMM tool at a price that is a fraction of what it would cost to hire a dedicated engineer in-house.

  • Create and execute a specialized plan for RMM best practices

  • Includes configuration and maintenance of monitoring as well as scripting, reporting, patch management, and other services.

  • Perform an analysis, and then make any necessary adjustments to the alerts and tickets.

ConnectWise Automate Configuration

Are you just getting started with the ConnectWise Automate tool? We'll set you up for success

  • Configure monitoring and alerts

  • Recommendations for updating patching policies

  • PSA integration

ConnectWise Automate Configration
ConnectWise Automate Health Audit

ConnectWise Automate Health Audit

Are you uncertain of your ConnectWise Automate status? We will Audit for you

  • Client, contract, and locations configuration

  • Service plans and groups setup

  • Ticket fine-tuning to reduce noise

  • Monitors and alert templates

  • Patch management setup

  • Review of installed plugins such A/V, backup or any other.

  • PSA integration including service boards, ticket mapping, Agreement mapping and ticket statuses


We pride ourselves on providing top-notch assistance for ConnectWise Automate. Say goodbye to the hassles of scripting and automation, say hello to a smooth and seamless experience with our platform. We've got you covered, so you can relax and have peace of mind. Join us today to kickstart your journey hassle-free!


Are you tired of juggling multiple tasks and struggling to keep track of your business processes? Do you wish there was a better way to manage your projects, tickets, and resources? Look no further! Why choose us? We pride ourselves on providing top-notch services that prioritize your comfort and satisfaction. From start to finish, we'll handle all the details so you can focus on what truly matters – making the most of your ConnectWise Tool.


We understand that keeping your ConnectWise Control software up-to-date and optimized is crucial for ensuring smooth and secure remote access to your systems. However, we also know that managing updates, migrations, and upgrades can be time-consuming and complex, diverting your valuable resources from core business activities. That's why we're here to take care of it all for you!

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